Once you've found your favorite search criteria, you can save all your filters as a Saved Search for automated lead updates. Here's how.
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Save hours on repetitive prospecting by saving search filters that match your ICP to create your own Personas with this step-by-step guide.
Found your perfect leads? Discover how to select leads individually, in bulk, or using advanced selection and add them to new or existing Lists.
Embark on a journey of discovery and become the sales champion you were meant to be.
Let's take a deeper dive into your Searcher and how to apply more detailed filters or exclusions to be even more precise in your lead generation.
Saved Searches allow you to save your search criteria in Amplemarket and even receive notifications when new leads appear! Here's how.
Did you know you can pull your LinkedIn network straight into Amplemarket? Here's how to open your network in the Searcher and apply extra filters.
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